City Guide Map Kofu City (EN, SC, TC)

Accommodation Facilities 住宿设施 / Tokiwa Hotel(*1)Kofu Fujiya Hotel(*2)YanagiyaRakusuienYumura Hotel B&BRyokan MeijiHotel YoshinoTsue Onsen KoboyuTsuruya RyokanTomiya RyokanShimaya RyokanYamabiko RyokanMiwata Ryokan常磐ホテル○ (11:30-15:00)How to take a hot spring bath泡温泉的方法1Wash using the bowl and chair provided.12Relax and soak in the bathtub. Don’t put your towel in the bathtub. It is recommended that you do not rinse your body after bathing. Replenish fluids after bathing.34234Facility nameDay trip bathTEL甲府富士屋ホテル○ (10:00-11:00, 13:00-22:00)柳屋○ (12:00-21:00)楽水園○ (8:00-20:00)湯村ホテルB&B○ (7:00-21:00)旅館明治○ (15:00-21:00)ホテル吉野○ (9:00-21:00)杖温泉弘法湯○ (10:00-20:00)つるや旅館とみや旅館嶋屋旅館山彦旅館美和田旅館055-254-3111055-253-8111055-253-2416055-252-3308055-254-1111055-252-0388055-253-2878055-252-5105055-252-2232055-252-2882055-252-6844055-252-1355055-251-3331D01D02D03D04D05D06D07D08D09D10D11D12D13*1 ○Meat-free dishes provided when requested. ○Non-alcoholic dishes provided when requested. ○Space for prayer provided when requested.*2 ○Menu without meat or pork-derived ingredients available. ○Buffet-style dining. Diners may choose their own dishes. ○Meat-free dishes provided when requested.*The Yumura Hot Spring region is part of the Kofu City Internet Freespot area.27Central Kofu



