City Guide Map Kofu City (EN, SC, TC)

Hoto Tastes of the season on the farm在原产地品尝当季的美味Bursting with sweetness and an abundance of varieties 甘甜可口,品种丰富 / P20P3107Strawberries Ozara GrapesKofu TorimotsuniMitake SobaFruitFruitLocal DishesLocal DishesLocal DishesLocal DishesPA nutritious local home-cooked dish of fresh thick noodles stewed in miso soup, with vegetables.Springy noodles dipped in a rich, tasty soup口感劲道的面蘸着超美味浇汁Highly aromatic soba noodles enjoyed with radish seasoningMade with the pure water of Shosenkyo Valley and enjoyed with delicious sharp-tasting daikon radish.Enjoy grape-picking in the Kai Zenko-ji Temple area, known for its tasty grapes.Pick sweet strawberries at Yamanashi’s largest strawberry farm area in south Kofu. 配着白萝卜吃的香浓荞麦面Chicken giblets, simmered and glazed in soy sauce. Won 1st prize in the B1 Grand Prix food festival.A unique Kofu dish / 甲府独有的味道 Chilled springy noodles in a warm soy sauce-flavored soup stewed with vegetables. A local specialty.Thick noodles with a rich, miso flavor值得细细品味的味噌手擀面



